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Cringila Supported Playgroup



35 Sheffield St
Cringila, New South Wales, 2502

Cringila Supported Playgroup runs every Tuesday morning throughout term time at Cringila Public School. Attendance is FREE and all are welcome :).

Why choose a supported playgroup?


A distinguishing feature of this supported playgroup (from playgroups generally), is the facilitation by qualified early childhood professionals experienced in working with children with disabilities and their families.

They are similar to general playgroups in that they create opportunities for relationships to be enhanced between parents and their children, and parents with other parents. However, in a supported playgroup the facilitators can also provide advice and information on parenting issues and community support. the facilitator will demonstrate some key techniques based around play, communication skills and positive guidance.

There are a number of benefits to parents and children who attend Families NSW supported playgroups. These can include: children benefit from socialising with other children and participating in early learning activities facilitated by trained workers parents develop relationships with other families and learn new parenting skills and techniques families become more familiar with and more likely to use community services.

Parents are welcome to remain with their children or have morning tea next in the room next door and chat with other parents.

Children can engage in singing, craft, sensory and physical play alongside their peers.