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Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)


35 Sheffield St
Cringila, New South Wales, 2502

The Aspect Building Tots Transition to Preschool program targets all children including children with a disability, children from CALD backgrounds and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander whom are between 2-4 years of age and are not attending an early childhood education setting. The program’s objective is to identify these children and provide support to families and centres to facilitate the successful transition of the child into an early childhood education setting.

Playgroup Aims:
- Practical strategies to implement with children
- An opportunity for parents to connect with other families
- An opportunity for children to play and engage with each other
- The playgroup is a family-centered playgroup, delivered by professionals with knowledge in early intervention and ASD.

The playgroup runs 9:30-10:30am each Monday during school terms at Cringila Public School.