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Mittagong After School Care & Vacation Care


Mittagong Primary School Albert Street
Mittagong, New South Wales, 2575

After School Care Council operates an After School Service located in the hall at Mittagong Public School, Pioneer Street, Mittagong. The Service is open from 3pm to 6pm Monday to Friday and children who attend other schools in the district are welcome, provided parents can arrange suitable transport.   Care is provided in an informal setting with children able to participate in a variety of art, craft and sporting activities. Afternoon tea is provided.

Vacation Care operates from the school hall at Mittagong Public School during most weeks of school vacation periods. The dates of operation can be found approximately 4 weeks prior to the beginning of each holiday period in the Council notices in the local paper. The service is open from 8am to 6pm and children can be occupied in an informal setting, again with a variety of art, craft, cooking and sporting activities. The service also arranges excursions both locally and out of the area as well as inviting various guest presenters. Parents who use Vacation Care may also be eligible to access Commonwealth Childcare Benefit (CCB).