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7480 Illawarra Hwy
Sutton Forest, New South Wales, 2577

Days Available: Open 10am - 4pm daily from September to May

Red Cow Farm is a unique cool climate garden set on 2.5 hectares in the picturesque rural village of Sutton Forest approximately 1.5 hours drive from Sydney and Canberra.

The simplicity of its presentation disguises a garden of sophisticated structure and ambitious schemes.

Developed by its creative owners Ali Mentesh and Wayne Morrissey around their historic 1820’s cottage, the garden is abundant and secretive. You'll be both enchanted and surprised by such wonders as a walled sanctuary where solitude invites quiet reflection.

Red Cow Farm features 20 rooms with an exuberant cottage garden, monastery garden, abbess’s garden, a stunning collection of rare and unusual perennials, woodland, old fashioned roses and clematis, beech walk, lake, bog garden, orchard and kitchen garden.

Open 8 months of the year from late September to May this garden has been described as one of the best in the world. A rare beauty awaits your visit.