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Lake Illawarra, New South Wales,

Hi! I'm Lavender Lily.

My real name is Lavender Lily, no surname, all first name.

My name reflects my perspective. It's unique and original and its part of my gift to you.

I know what it's like to feel different. It's our differences that make us special. I love identifying children's specialness. I also love to engage with children on a level of wonder and imagination, so they are free to wonder and dream and as well as have the freedom to believe in who they are.

For over 15 years I have developed my unique entertainment format that focuses on inclusiveness, non-competitive activities, motivational play and a philosophy, which I call Purple Magik!

Children identify with colour. Purple is the colour of empowerment, self-expression and imagination. It makes you feel so good on the inside so that your spirit shines through for the whole world to see.

One of my motivations is to assist children to grow into self assured, happy, healthy, caring and creative human beings. One of my favourite mottos is Be bold, Be brave, Be you because the world needs your magik and your love, who you are is a gift to us!