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Naturopath in Wollongong for Fatigue, Women’s Health, Skin, Gut, Fertility & more

Looking for the best Naturopath near me? To find an experienced Wollongong or Corrimal Naturopath for yourself or your child, read on. Parents Guide Illawarra interviewed the passionate and local Illawarra Naturopath, Kitty Dubourdieu from Tolle Totum Naturopathy, Here’s how an experienced Naturopath helps tackle ongoing health issues like fatigue, poor sleep, mental health, abnormal periods, migraines, fertility, thyroid health, skin, gut issues and more.

We live in a ‘wellness culture’ of expensive, well-marketed supplements, that promise quick cures, they rarely work! However a qualified Naturopath helps uncover and manage what’s really happening in your unique body.

Why do people see a Naturopath and what are the benefits?

Kitty Dubourdieu – Experienced Wollongong & Corrimal Naturopath

Wollongong Naturopath Kitty Dubourdieu from Tolle Totumn Naturopathy in Corrimal, explains that clients seek natural health practitioners when they can’t find answers to their health issues. Naturopathy often helps clients who feel unwell, by discovering the underlying cause. Kitty is passionate about her clients finally getting an answer for their ongoing health issues.

Next comes a tailored treatment plan that reduces symptoms and helps clients feel good again. The benefits of seeing a Naturopath are:

  • Answers! In most cases, a Naturopath’s approach and tests reveal the root cause of your symptoms.
  • Relief and empowerment with a plan of how you can feel better again.
  • Any prescriptions/treatment plans are individualised to your specific body and its unique needs

Typical Health Issues Naturopathy assists with:

Kitty helps her clients (both children and adults) better understand and manage any troublesome ongoing health issues. Through a dedicated Naturopath’s consult and testing, her mission to find the cause and help aid the symptoms.

Tolle Totum Naturopathy offers insightful Naturopath testing including Gut Microbiome Mapping, Vaginal Microbiome testing, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and Pathology testing. From this, Kitty reports awesome results that can help with these common health challenges:

  • Fatigue, Energy & Sleep issues
  • Women’s Health & Abnormal Periods
  • Chronic Thrush & BV
  • Skin, Acne
  • Gut Issues, bloating, pain, constipation etc
  • Migraines
  • Fertility Issues
  • Thyroid health,
  • Immune system support,
  • Mental health issues,
  • Cardiovascular support. 

Kitty advises that seeking a Naturopath for any health issue, is not a ‘quick health fix’. It requires the investment in testing and then time and patience for the recommended approach to reduce symptoms and improve wellbeing.

However, seeing a qualified Naturopath gives insight and management into the underlying causes. Way more effective than wasting money on random supplements that promise the world!

Tailored Natural Health Treatment

What to expect from a Naturopath Consult from Tolle Totum

During the 60 minute initial consultation, Kitty will delve into a full case history of your presenting complaint – including your diet, all of your relevant body systems, family history as well as a personal medical history, to understand what the root cause may be. You’ll discuss health goals and intentions, what you would like from Kitty as a practitioner and how to achieve optimal results.

Kitty will likely recommend specific testing to get answers for underlying causes. Any supplementation or herbal formulas will be made up by Kitty and dispensed directly to you. No more guesswork of buying online!

With all initial consultations, Kitty also offers an in-house iridology assessment to help gain a better understanding of what may be causing the presenting complaint.

Kitty’s clients leave feeling empowered, motivated and equipped with the tools to begin the journey to health.

A Holistic Approach To Your Health. Get Answers!

Choosing the best local Naturopath for you – what to ask and look for

Kitty advises that anyone seeking a skilled Naturopath in the Illawarra region, should look for these things:

  • Ask if the naturopath does testing (pathology testing, functional testing like stool tests, vaginal swabs, hair testing etc). For naturopathy to be effective, you need a naturopath that tests and knows how to interpret testing. “Test, don’t guess” 
  • Look for a degree qualified naturopath – Bachelor of Health Science majoring in Naturopathy. 
  • Always ask for a road map, what working with that naturopath will look like, cost, time, consult structure. 
  • Check work hours, see if they are flexible to fit you in if you have a tricky work schedule to work with. Also check if they do online consults and in person – this is useful! 
  • Look for a naturopath that has good client google reviews, these don’t lie! 

Enquire or book with Tolle Totum Naturopathy Corrimal – with Naturopath Kitty Dubourdieu

If you want to check in with Kitty first about how she can help, make use of her FREE 10 minute discovery call. To book or enquire, visit and book through the ‘BOOK NOW’ button. Alternatively you can call on 0450 346 212 and be booked in, You can also email [email protected] or visit instagram tolletotum.naturopathy and enquire there! 

What else to know about the Tolle Totum Naturopathy approach

What conditions do you work with?

Anything and everything! From menstrual irregularities to thyroid dysfunction, mental health and preconception/fertility care. Kitty welcomes and works with all! 

Do you take health funds?

Unfortunately not, although if cost is a barrier, Kitty offers payment plans

Can I work with a Naturopath and my GP?

Yes! Kitty offers shared care with many clients. She see’s amazing results with both western medicine and herbal medicine. As long as the GP is happy to work alongside a naturopath then she can collaborate! 

Do you work as a Naturopath for children?

Yes! This is an extremely rewarding area, Tolle Totum offers Naturopath kids consultations available for 12Y and under. Kitty is trained to prescribe all herbal medicine and nutritional supplements for children. 

What Naturopath Testing do you offer?

Tolle Totum Naturopathy offers access to a functional testing lab where they can order in depth tests to determine the root cause of symptoms. The most common testing used in the clinic are Gut Microbiome Mapping, Vaginal Microbiome testing, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and pathology testing. Kitty reports awesome results and finding the answers her clients have been looking for! 

With our sincere thanks to the awesome and dedicated Wollongong Naturopath Kitty Dubourdieu at Tolle Totum Naturopathy, for sharing her wisdom and sponsoring this article. We hope this can help locals find the right answers for their health challenges.

Finally, if you are a parent or carer, make the most of family life in our stunning Illawarra – Subscribe to the ultimate guide to family living weekly email by Parents Guide. Say NO to bored kids and get inspired! Click and sign up for our Parents Newsletter here. Get all the local inspo!

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